He Is Risen! He Is Risen Indeed!
Happy Easter Everyone! I hope each and every one of you is having a great time with your friends and family!
I started this Easter with a three mile run on the trail. I haven't been able to run in four weeks (due to bad weather), so Mom and I jumped at this opportunity to get out there and enjoy the great weather. We are a few weeks out from the Star Wars Dark Side 10k, so getting back into running. There were more runners on the than I thought there would be, but it turned out to be a beautiful morning for a run!
Check out this view!
"When a cardinal appears an angel is near!"
3 bunny miles done!
After the run Mom and I came back to the home and put the homemade pecan rolls in the oven. After breakfast I started the meal prep for our Easter dinner. I used family recipes to make homemade green beans and cheesy potatoes. The day turned out to be a great and relaxing day!
Homemade Pecan Rolls
Our Dinner
I hope everyone had a great day! Happy Easter!